安科瑞 缪凯伦
河南限流式保护器功能 ASCP灭弧式限流保护器可克服传统断路器、空气开关和监控设备存在的短路电流大、切断短路电流时间长、短路时产生的电弧火花大,以及使用寿命短等弊端,发生短路故障时,能以微秒级速度快速限制短路电流以实现灭弧保护,从而能显著减少电气火灾事故,保障使用场所人员和财产的安全。
1 河南限流式保护器功能产品简介
灭弧式智慧用电 电气火灾限流式保护器可克服传统断路器、空气开关和监控设备存在的短路电流大、切断短路电流时间长、短路时产生的电弧火花大,以及使用寿命短等弊端,发生短路故障时,能以微秒级速度快速限制短路电流以实现灭弧保护,从而能显著减少电气火灾事故,保障使用场所人员和财产的安全。
2 功能特点
3 技术参数
4 应用场所
5 外形尺寸
6 接线方式
7 组网方式
After years of accumulation and development, the company has contracted a lot of end users energy efficiency management projects like: electric power monitoring and smart lighting control system in shanghai-Kunming high-speed railway stations, energy consumption management system of G.M.(shanghai) , energy management systems of General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, remote prepaid system of the TIENS university dormitory, energy management systems of Shandong Gold Phoenix Co., Ltd, energy management systems of TISHMAN SPEYER(Suzhou), fire-fighting device power monitoring system of Suzhou center etc. Also the system are used in foreign projects in Africa, the Middle East, southeast Asia, South America etc. The rich market experience enhance the brand influence and win a high reputation for product quality and service.
Acrel has maintained a steady growth since its listing in 2012. With the concept of "innovation, efficiency, unity and integrity", the company will adhere to steady operation and continuous innovation to provide more high-quality solutions, products and services for the end users.